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About Us

Board Members:

President: Don Davis

Vice President: Jeff Schulke 

Treasurer: Robert King
Secretary/Socials: Colby Burke

Sponsorships: Jennifer McNeil

Athletic Director: Chris Ferenz


Members at large:

Anne Abbey

Elizabeth Bowen

Ben Case

Ryan Davenport

Mike Kay

Ally McClenny

Scott Shields

Phil Shivell


The Big Blue Boosters of Walla Walla has spent tens of thousands of dollars in the past year to support its athletes. This includes providing basketball shooting machines, gym flooring graphics, bowling lockers, jerseys, t-shirts, sweatshirts, warm-up gear, coach apparel, team meals, sports equipment, sports photography and so much more.


Our goal is to improve the athletic experience for our student athletes and coaches. We raise funds through our annual auction and dinner, gym sponsorship programs, and generous donations. We do not ask our student athletes (or their parents) to be responsible for fundraising. As the Walla Walla School District no longer charges admission to regular season sporting events, our mission to generate funds for our athletic programs is more important than ever.


The Big Blue Boosters is a 501c3 organization, and sponsorships and donations may be claimed as a charitable donation for tax purposes. Donations are accepted throughout the year to support our athletes.

The Big Blue Boosters promotes

athletic excellence,

pride and sportsmanship.

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